Four in ten colleagues are dissatisfied with in-store technology – find out why smart technology in retail needs a rethink.

Retail decision makers are excited by smart technology, but colleagues aren’t so sure. Here’s how you can get everyone on board.

Article by Chris McKie | 23rd March 2023

Retail decision makers are embracing smart technology with open arms. These devices have the potential to improve efficiency and enhance the customer experience, but only if they are used properly.

In order to do this, it’s vital to listen to the concerns of colleagues before upgrading your technology. We wanted to help, so we asked 1,000 colleagues for their honest opinions on smart technology. Here’s what we found, and what it means for the future of the shop floor. 


Smart is the new normal

The pandemic shifted customer expectations drastically. Customers were keen to limit human contact, both with colleagues and with their fellow shoppers. At the same time, many stores found themselves facing serious labour shortages. 


The answer to both problems came in the form of smart technology. Smart devices became a fixture in thousands of stores, and this looks set to continue long after the pandemic. As our survey shows, smart technology is definitely here to stay:

  • Almost half of colleagues now use smart technology at least twice a day
  • 63% of decision makers are planning to implement more smart technology in the next 12 months


What do colleagues really think about smart tech? Read our report to find out: 


Think before you upgrade

Smart technology has a lot to offer, but it’s important not to rush your store’s transformation. Every team has different needs, and these should be considered before you upgrade. 


Unfortunately, our survey shows that this doesn’t always happen. A lack of communication around smart technology is creating a divide between decision makers and colleagues:

  • 80% of decision makers believe that smart devices are being used to their full potential, but less than half of colleagues agree
  • 79% of decision makers think that colleagues have received sufficient smart device training, but 30% of colleagues say they need more
  • 41% of colleagues feel that head office doesn’t consider their needs when implementing smart technology


At a time when cooperation is essential, smart technology is driving a wedge between head office and the shop floor. This relationship needs to be mended, and listening to colleagues’ concerns is the first step. This is where VoCoVo comes in. 


Smart tech that works for everyone

Colleagues aren’t opposed to smart technology. They just want to see it implemented in a sensible way. Almost half say that smart technology makes their jobs easier, and a third believe that portable communication devices would allow them to deliver better customer service. 


By keeping these preferences in mind, we can help you to upgrade your in-store technology without leaving the shop floor behind:

  • Our headsets allow colleagues to communicate instantly from anywhere in store. You can find information for customers without leaving their side, creating a much smoother customer experience.
  • Headsets are hands-free, allowing colleagues to work as they talk. This kind of multi-tasking can save you an average of 105 minutes a day.
  • Headsets can be used to train colleagues on the features of new smart devices. Experienced team members can demonstrate devices while simultaneously explaining what they are doing. This kind of hands-on training has been shown to speed up learning in 87% of businesses
  • Our multi-conference feature lets you create separate channels for each store department. You can set up a dedicated technology support channel, allowing colleagues to get instant help with smart devices. 
  • Headsets can be linked to other smart devices using our notification API. This allows smart fridges, smart shelving and others to send alerts to colleagues when action is required. 


The benefits of VoCoVo are two-fold. Not only is it a useful smart technology in its own right. It also helps colleagues to use other smart devices more effectively. Download our report to find out more.

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